How to Use Your Phone as a Wi-Fi Hotspot

In the digital age, our relationships have become increasingly reliant on being connected to our phones. Connecting us while we're far apart, the Internet has also transformed the way we view our lives, our work and our success.

Before helping you prepare for your next trip abroad, the online mobile top-up experts at Quick To Link explain how to create a hotspot with your phone.

What is a mobile hotspot?

Generally speaking, mobile hotspots are Internet access points. They work like wireless routers to share the Internet connection. In other words, they capture a Wi-Fi network and then relay it to other points like a laptop or mobile device, for example. Our Internet routers are a good example of a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot running on your provider's network.

Hotspots are designed to make the Internet connection accessible wherever you are. Hotspots can therefore be described as nomadic. They follow us wherever life and work take us.

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Why turn your phone into a Wi-Fi hotspot ?

Depending on your phone or Internet plan, hotspots also make it possible to avoid roaming charges when making an international call or working from a country that does not have the same provider as you. In other words, there are many options today to connect to the Internet and enjoy free access. You can create a hotspot using a wireless network with your phone or connect to a free or private hotspot depending on the conditions of your carrier.

Creating your own hotspot will allow you to be autonomous and independent, without the need to connect to your home network or to a paid wireless network. This, in turn, allows you to save on your mobile phone bill and communication costs.

Mobile top-up: a great way to avoid overseas charges

As simple as saving your phone battery life, it is just as easy to connect to the Internet via a hotspot. However, you have to differentiate between public, private and smartphone Wi-Fi hotspots. For this reason, we will explain private and public connections before moving on to smartphones.

Connecting to a public network

Today, all venues and businesses have internet access, often free of charge. This makes it possible to connect your mobile devices without the need for an access key, as the codes are often displayed or the connection mode is simplified.

To connect to a public network, whether you have an Android or iOS smartphone, you just have to go to your Settings to activate the Wi-Fi network finder. Next, you need to select the network and connect to it. However, make sure to protect your mobile devices as well as your sensitive data since public networks are often vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Connecting to a private network

Depending on your network provider and how far it reaches, you can connect to any terminal as long as it is affiliated with your provider and you know the connection key. This key is often your regular login details.

However, even if this is an option, it is best to check with your provider to find out the terms of use. Especially because some providers do not always offer this feature.

Also keep in mind that even if this Internet connection is much more secure than a public network, you should still protect your devices. Moreover, the speed of the connection will depend on the wireless network and the number of people connected to it, which can make the public Wi-Fi hotspot weaker than a personal hotspot.

Connecting with your phone

This is also called connection sharing. This feature is what will turn your smartphone into a router or Internet hub. With faster connectivity and a single use for your mobile data, this mobile hotspot is especially popular with new generations using their phone as a micro Wi-Fi gateway.

Mobile data works like a Wi-Fi network and the phone works like a router. When we want to use our laptop in a location without internet access, you just need to make sure your phone has access to a 3G, 4G or 5G network. Once this is done, you need to create a hotspot using the connection sharing feature that makes your Wi-Fi available in your laptop's networks. After that, you just need to connect as you would for the public network.

Create a Wi-Fi hotspot on Android

Create a Wi-Fi hotspot on iPhone


Network & internet

Hotspot & tethering


Personal Hotspot

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